Posted: June 6, 2019
Ready yourself to meet the 2019-2020 school year confidently and enthusiastically by attending this two-day camp! With specific sessions designed for classroom teachers at different levels, for resource room teachers, and for TTOCs, you will explore valuable strategies for the development of an empowering learning culture in your classroom. You will receive guidance and resources to assist you in the development of a framework for your teaching in the upcoming year with a focus on literacy and numeracy. Assessment for Learning strategies will be investigated that will enable you to determine your students’ needs and to plan accordingly. You will discover the many valuable resources that are readily available for you to access as a teacher in our school district. Included with registration for the full two-day Boot Camp are the following: continental breakfast and on-site food truck lunch on Day 1 as well as catered lunch on Day 2. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to attend an optional Information Session and/or Panel Discussion on August 28th.